More Stuff About Me

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Near our house, there is a Red fox den with four kits. I'm estimating that they are about 3 weeks old. They are old enough to roam from the den and play at catching grasshoppers and other quarry. They are not terribly shy. I took these photos without getting out of my car. I had to be patient, though.
     I read a book for a while, waiting for them to pop out of the den. The book was an autobiography of a woman with bipolar disorder. I understand a lot about her life; when I see beings like these baby foxes, my heart and mood soar in a very bipolar way.
     I waited for them alone, deep in the spruce woods, which some people would find uncomfortable. It's very still and after awhile, a little spooky. You could have heard the famous pin drop on the lush pads of emerald moss. I was careful not to make noise by inadvertently clunking the camera or leaning on the car horn - something dumb like that. I'm sure that Marlin Perkins never did anything that stupid. After all, the man advertised insurance! I had my camera ready, in case the foxes appeared and I was rewarded. Eventually, the mom showed up. I had heard her rasping bark coming through the woods. Her rust colored fur was beautifully highlighted by the sun. She was quite vocal with the kits issuing a growling purr to them. They barked back at her grubbing around for what ever food she had brought to them. She hacked up globs of stuff she'd brought which they enthusiastically 'wolfed' down. They rolled around on the ground, leaped from rocks into the brush, made mock attacks on one another, and then curled up together and went to sleep on the moss.


  1. As I scrolled down the page to read your story, my wife would say "awwww" ever time a photo of the foxes came into view.

    Thanks for sending a few our way, the photos are spectacular!

  2. Those sweet faces make my heart soar too. We should get together at a half way point and spend some time shooting and gabbing. I have extra memory cards.

  3. Fabulous pix, Robin. Good blog to go along with them. I never realized you have such patience! Who wudda thunk???

  4. Great pics Robin. Made my morning. Here on the farm it's like animal kingdom but the woodchucks face, as he is digging up the ground, isn't near as endearing. Luv ya B

  5. Your Blogs make me smile Robin! Great photographs. See ya soon.

  6. So, we should call you the "Foxy lady" now?

  7. I hope you will consider making your Diary into a Book. I find it endearing.

  8. how come my camera doesn' take pic's like this?? haha nice photos as usual!!

  9. Please catch one for me! I now realize that I NEED a pet fox... or several. Thanks! Love ya

  10. Your Hula Hoop BuddyApril 21, 2009 at 10:38 AM

    You have captured the pure beauty of these lovely creatures...the sweet innocence of the young and the protective nature of their mother. What amazing patience you have for capturing these "Kodak moments!"

  11. R,

    I think you will really enjoy this, nature at it’s best!!!

  12. Thanks for sharing these beautiful little beings!

  13. WOW! You are a natural naturalist! So glad you got to be with your camera again. I can't believe the stuff you see and find.

  14. wonderful Robin. Hats off to you!

  15. Very cute little guys…k

  16. Hi Robin,

    Great photos of the kits. I'm enjoying your blog, too. Thanks for the comments on mine (by way of edvatsa). You have some great photography on your site as well. And you happen to live in one of my favorite states in the U.S. If it weren't so cold for a good portion of the year (and so snow-covered), I would hightail it to Maine and stay there. I haven't been in a few years, but for awhile I was up there every year, then heading over to Nova Scotia by ferry to visit a friend of mine. I'm way overdue for a dose of Maine!

    Keep up the great work!

