More Stuff About Me

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today, April 5th, is my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Or should I say 'Bird-day' to me? These are some of the gifts I got. I took the Common Atlantic Eiders right here from the pier. They don't look so common to me. They look quite elegant. The eagles were at Winnegance, about 10 miles north of our house. I had just been commenting to my husband that it was an unusual day as I had not taken one photograph, when there they were! And, of course, I had my camera. The little guy on the bottom is a Horned Grebe. He's taking a bath. He was at the end of the pier. He had a girlfriend and I think he was prettying up for her. My friends, Ed and Les, gave me a bottle of really good vodka, Grey Goose.' Seems appropriate, doesn't it? Frank N' Boo made chicken wings and a carrot cake and gave me cool gifts. My friends know me well. I'm lucky to have friends who love me very much. I wonder what my mother is thinking about today.


  1. Sorry so late with this but...


  2. It's never too late to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks!

  3. Hope you had a great B-day, Kiddo

  4. Happy 54th Birthday Robin! I hope I look as young as you do when I reach your age.....

  5. Robin Great shots. Each one you photo seems to be better and better.You should submit the baby duck showing all the water drops for the Glennie.
    Happy Birthday.
    Guess who?

  6. A late,but heart-felt HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an awesome woman! I think of you often as I learn more than I could have imagined in the master gardener's programe, wondering if it is info you might want to have,or if you already knew it, but nonetheless you have been on my mind almost daily.

    Much love to you.

