More Stuff About Me

Monday, June 1, 2009

Maine, the way life should be

This is a male Rose Breasted Grosbeak. I took these shots from my car while traveling through Windsor, Maine. I was right near Hussey's General Store. They claim to be the largest general store in the country. Hussey's is famous for being a hardware store where you can buy a wedding dress and a shot gun on the same day, in addition to bait, butts and beer for the party. A guy would need the bait because after he'd landed the big one, then he might want to go fishin'.


  1. I may be mistaken, but it was my understanding that you were married in your bathrobe, instead of a wedding dress, and you got it at Hussey's. And, further, that David went clamming after the ceremony.

  2. Great pic's !!!! Dont be shy about sending me pic's !!!! Mark

  3. Robin,

    Wedding dress and a shot gun? Hum...what more could one want? :-)

    Love it!


  4. My daughter's mother-in-law in Windsor is feeding rose-breasted grossbeaks in her garden. Unfortunately, the feeders are so far out from the house that I have been unable to approach them. Glad somebody got a shot of those little buggers after all the feed she has given them. xxoo Heather
