More Stuff About Me

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Selective Adoration

This is a juvenile Red squirrel. It is small enough that it could sit comfortably in the palm of your hand. They are destructive little critters that chew everything in site and will make a huge mess in an attic or eave. They are voracious bird seed eaters. We have platoons of them because we feed the birds, so we feed them, so they make more of themselves. We have altered the balance of nature in the course of promoting and enjoying a different aspect of nature: birds. The Red squirrels are almost at the point of being a problem for us that we will be obliged to do something about. But, then I look at this adorable little mug and think "What could I possibly do to hurt it?" I'll think of something.

The American Goldfinches are quite busy at the feeders. I give them what they want. How could I not when it looks into the window at me like that? There could be a million of them and I think I'd be glad, unlike the Red squirrels. Seems kind of unfair in a way, doesn't it?


  1. From an editorial standpoint, I thot the Red Squirrel post was excellent: short, to the point, pithy, some wacky humor, some weirdness, too. Good job.

  2. An idea! Sprayglue birdseed on all the squirrels' tails and the birds will peck them until they abandon your property! End of story.
