More Stuff About Me

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This past weekend, I attended the New England Camera Club Conference (NECCC) at UMass, Amherst. It's the largest camera club conference in the country with 1200 attendees. For three days, it's total photography immersion. There are back to back presentations and classes from 8 am to 10pm. Everyone is there to learn how to take better photographs and to edit in digital darkrooms. Standing in line in the cafeteria, in the lady's room, on the bus, the chatter is all photography. It's exhilarating and inspiring and dizzying. I learned a truck load and my head is wildly spinning. I have awoken at 4 am three mornings in a row and in my waking dream state, I've been taking shots in HDR, macro, montaged, tripoded, you name it, all at once. My dream camera is as big as a bus and my lens extends to the moon. Though not realistically feasible, in my dreams all these elements came true. In my dreams, my photographs are better and better. But now, I must come down to reality. I must, like this Great Blue Heron, come in for a landing. I must simply take better photographs. Wish me luck.


  1. really captured the Blue Heron's dance before flight! Three days in Amherst...We only ask...HOW CAN YOUR PHOTOS BECOME ANY BETTER THAN THEY ALREADY ARE!!!!!!!


  2. Photos are wonderful, I am very interested in your blog
