More Stuff About Me

Saturday, December 12, 2009


 I will be presenting this short (under 10 minutes), slide show of our October trip to Aspen, Colorado to my camera club, The Capital Area Camera Club. Click on that link for the club's web site and information about us. We've got a really snazzy web site thanks to our Webmaster and club member, Tim True. My presentation is Tuesday, December 15th at about 7Pm at the Pine Tree State Arboretum in Augusta, Maine. It's free and non fattening! I hope you enjoy the slide show. It's full of scenic landscapes, wildlife and birds. For the full screen viewing option, click on the little rectangle between the speaker icon and the triangle icon on the bottom of the video screen. Remember to give it a minute to load (buffer) so it will play smoothly. Let me know what you think, too!  


  1. I like your new banner shot, it's bright and cheery. That's what we need with this intense cold we're having.

  2. Thanks, John! I thought the banner of the Cardinal would be sort of holiday cheerful.

  3. The slide show was great.
    Maybe a little short. ;-)

    Thanks for mentioning the CACC web site.

  4. Now I know who to turn to to choreograph my next presentation. Very, very nicely done. Bet it got a very warm reception.

  5. Rainman, careful what you ask for as they say! I'm quite capable of filling up a couple of hours worth of my 'home movies!' Wanna see pictures of my grandchildren (insert evil laugh here!)?

  6. Thanks, Ed! I do a lot of work to make my slide shows unique, not computer assigned transitions and Vivaldi's Four Seasons!
