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Monday, April 19, 2010

Tweet, Tweet, Warble, Warble! - Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers, Eastern Phoebe

These are the little birds that got my attention initially in the trees yesterday at Center Pond. There were dozens of them. Their combined song was pretty intense.

Eastern Phoebe
Palm Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler, also called a "Butter Butt." This is a myrtle variety because of the white throat.

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  1. Ive' got me an eastern pheobe!! They nest hear every year..use the same nest need to work hard at a new one!!!! :> I usually see the """"butter butt""" every summer!!! Nice pic's!!

  2. Thank you! If the nest isn't too high up, maybe you can get some 'pheobe-ett' photos.

  3. Thanks for the good reads. Bob.

  4. Hi Robin,

    Love the photos! We had a "fallout" of Warblers here on Sunday. Butter butts mostly and a single Black-throated Blue Warbler, which has been hanging around for a few days now. A single Pine Warbler that's been hanging around eating our suet for 2 weeks is still here.

    A pair of Phoebe's are working on a nest in the side yard.

    The alewives are beginning to run in Damariscotta, well ahead of last year. The Osprey action there should be hot and heavy within a week or so.

  5. Well spring is here! (and there, as you so able demonstrate) Plus, I want you to know that each morning I rise from my bed in hopes of a new transmission of the Controlled Chaos!!!!!
