More Stuff About Me

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Mom! He's Shoving Me!" Bald Eagle Babies

This is a quick update on the status of the eagle's nest I've been watching here in The Burg. These are the youngsters. I thought there was only one before, but obviously, there are at least two. They are not very active. I waited for three hours for these shots. The parent sat as you see it on that branch next to the nest and never moved other than to preen a little, scratch and yawn. I was there in the morning hoping that feeding would be going on, but nothing happened. As the hours ground by, the eaglets jockied for positions in the nest. They vocalized a whiny, thin noise that sounded like two kids whining to their mom, "He's touching me! He's poking me! Mom, make him stop!" The other would say in its defense, "No fair! He spit on me first!" And on it would go until mother finally would take off so as not to have to listen to it anymore. We would think she was soaring off to catch a lively salmon, big silvery bass or a rabbit, but actually, she'd just be going for time out from the brats. Posted by Picasa


  1. I watched the parents bring in food, watched them perch beside the nest but only saw the young ones flapping their wings in the nest.

    It won't be long til they take off!

    Very nice captures on a cloudy day!


  2. You have plenty of patience for waiting all those circumstances to take photos as you have - brilliant ones!

    Did I tell you already, I was a teacher of the biology and I appreciate very much your pictures.
    You certainly know, that some birds will leave their nests, if the human being has been too close their nest.

    Good week and fine photos!

  3. Be Careful! Those eaglets will soon mature and they may plot with Mother eagle to swoosh down on one bathrobe clothed photographer!
