More Stuff About Me

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Locked Up

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  1. Thank you, Chris. Just the reaction I had hoped for. Perfect.

  2. This is SO cool, Robin! It speaks on so many levels--I think I'll be thinking about this powerful image all day. I just have one question off the top of my head--do you remember the combination for all these padlocks? If so, I'm impressed! I could never get one combination to work.........

    Rated. D
    Yarn Over

  3. Thanks, YO! No, can't says I know the combos, nor did I ever. They were on a fence that went around the perimeter of the high shcool I attended. I'm assuming they came from the lockers. The building had been abandoned for a decade and the locks had been hanging there all that time. I kept going by them year after year and telling myself I should get pictures. The locks stayed on my mind, too. So, one day......and then immediately after I took the shots, the town tore the whole schebang down.

  4. Very intriguing!
    Great photo.

  5. Gracias, Andy. Intrigue is what I"m all about.

  6. Oh, Robin, what a poignant picture. Wouldn't it make a great cover for a novel? Well done! ~karen

  7. Thanks, Karen. I think it would make a great book cover. I'm really pleased to have recieved such positive regard for such a dark, "out of MY box" image.

  8. mind says "why??"

  9. That banner is your best one yet, and the tern photos are great! You've clearly surpassed us all in wildlife photography and blogging.


  10. Gosh, Jefe! Coming from you, that's a major compliment and achievement for me.

  11. Robin, sorry for leaving this here, but I couldn't find an email address in your profile. I use the Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America. The only minus, is that it is the whole country and most of the butterflies in it are in the west and south and I never see them. Hard to sort out the ones that I do see. Feel free to delete this after reading it since it is not a comment on this post.
