More Stuff About Me

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scenic Sunday

View South of Newbury Point, Phippsburg, Maine

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  1. "Robin, I can't tell you how much I enjoy your pictures! You catch the most beautiful scenes of Phippsburg. Sometimes when your photos pop up -I think -Oh if I could only paint something so beautiful. You have inspired me and I am thankful that you have allowed me to copy some of your work. If I get really good at painting and I sell many of your photo inspired work,I'm going to have to give you a percentage! Take care and keep that camera busy! Robin

  2. Robin, Thank you so much. As an artist, I'm sure you will agree that there is hardly a greater reward than inspiring another, beyond the reward of simply creating a thing.

  3. Wow!! You already have snow!! Here in Greece it's like spring! I missed winter, I wish I were in the photo throwing snowballs!!

    PS. I love your profile photo!! :)

  4. Dear Crazy Tourists, No we don't actually have snow here yet in this southern part of the state. Up north, they do. That photo was taken last year. We have ice in any standing water over night so it won't be long. When it's time to throw snowballs, I'll let you know. Thanks for the compliment on the profile shot. That was taken in Maine, on Machias Seal Island up north. Cute little devils those Atlantic Puffins are. By the way, in Maine to say "crazy" tourist would be thought redundant. :)
