More Stuff About Me

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Looking for a place to swim? Good Luck Duckies!
    Great pic

  2. Thanks, Nanny. Who doesn't just love a duck, anyway?

  3. Cutie Pies! It's amazing how a few feathers can keep their bodies so warm during the colder weather.Why didn't you fly South for the winter like the human snowbirds?

  4. Great Funny photo – looking for water but only ice? I miss blue water and seeing winter white.

  5. Those ducks are cute Robin. I’m fine.

  6. I've got such a headache!! I think I was hit in the head with a Mallard.

    So is the picture a new traveling ice show like "Disney on ice" that you see advertised at the CCC.
    You know "Ducks On Ice". I bet they get top billing.

    Robin you quack me up!!!!!

    Ok, I'll stop egging you on.

    I'm migrating south till the ice leaves the ponds and I can duck the snow storms.

    Quackin' back at ya'


    ps I'm not a chicken.

    11:30 AM

  7. Common, maybe, but mallards are really handsome!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Maybe not chicken, Tim. But, definitely a LOOOOON! What a HOOT!

  9. Dee Belanger commented on your note "Wordless Wednesday".
    Dee wrote: "Just love ducks! It's so cold and snowy here I haven't seen any and I miss them.."

  10. We're ducky too. Where did you see the mallards? bmc

  11. bmc, Brunswick on Baribeau Drive. Would have been perfect if it had been Mallard Drive, huh?

  12. Lisa Dewane commented on your note "Wordless Wednesday".
    Lisa wrote: "YOu've made me want to go visit our local ducks. :)"

  13. Beautiful "quackers" you captured there Robin!

  14. Robin,
    I thought of you this morning. Amongst all this blustery snow, Nick called me to the door to tell me iI have to see something. There was an American black duck sitting on my front sidewalk. All by himself but boy was he beautiful against all that white snow. My camera skills are sorely lacking and I was wishing you were here to snap a pic.

  15. And yes, snowing again as I write this. And, again, I'm taking pictures of birds in snow even though I haven't gotten dressed! Black ducks are beautiful. We have loads of them in the cove over the winter and Mallards hang out with them, too. I see a hybrid once a year or so in the bunch. Takes a lot of looking over the duck hoards to spot one though! Practice, practice on gloomy days with the camera so when another duck shows up you'll be ready for the shot! At least, that's my excuse for not getting the laundry done.......Thanks for reading and looking!

  16. I need to go check on grandkids and dogs. makes this quick. I loved you ducks

    And Grandy.. I'm a mazed.. it all I can say.!

    So this is what your going to do to your childeran when it's you time..! Oh my..!
    you better take notes so they will be perparted.!
    Betty B.

  17. They are sooooooooooooooooo cute! We are just ducky too. Can't wait to see you two. Let us know your schedule once you work it out. Glad to hear your grandma is doing better. Hugs B

  18. They look happy. They are smiling. What are they thinking about? Do ducks think? Or just feeling duckie?

  19. They do look happy, don't they? Though I did not do so, these ducks clearly were accustomed to being fed. Probably what they were thinking was "Yipee! Bring on the bread!" Thanks, Hilke, B., and Betty B. for reading.
