More Stuff About Me

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednsday

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  1. Nick Heintz commented on your note "Wordless Wednsday".
    Nick wrote: "I am having the hardest time trying to tell what this is."

  2. Lorri Fortier Spratt commented on your note "Wordless Wednsday".
    Lorri wrote: "glass under snow?"

  3. Gorgeous image!! But what is it? A macro? I hope you'll add some words.

  4. Thanks, Hilke. Believe it or not, I shot the image with my 100-400mm zoom because that's what I had on the rig at the time. I had been out photography birds, not stationary objects. I just found this piece of glass as you see it sitting on a porch railing with the sun shining through it and the snow on top. I think it's the bottom of an old Coke bottle that the homeowner found on the beach last summer and set onto the railing and forgot about.
