More Stuff About Me

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday



  1. Great shot of an interesting squirrel. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. HI can't do it can ya hahahaha!!
    Making a squirrel talk for you...!!
    You are so funny !!! : }}
    Nice "squirrel shot" "cute caption"

  3. beautiful shot of the squirrel,am hoping to see some this afternoon in my local park.


  4. Thanks, Gary, grammie G, topshot photography and Michelle! They are cute little devils, but so destructive! And, grammie G, I want you to know that I fancy that I speak, if not for all the squirrels out there, certainly for all of the nuts.

  5. Thanks Kerri. I think it's great to put a smile on peoples' faces. No need to be serious all the time!

  6. Nice pic of a fancy tailed rat. That's what my Great Grandmother always called them. Our big tomcat would drag them home and she would take a broom and beat the daylights out of him until he turned loose of that critter. His hide was skinned and he as in the skillet real quick. He better stay way up in that tree or he'll lose more than his nuts if the old tomcats around.

  7. Ouch, just really OUCH! Ta hell with the tomcat, how 'bout yer grandma?????
